My facebook saga
Unless you are completely uninterested in how social media
works or you are devoid of any friends that use a nom de guerre - i.e.
authors, visual artists, performers, drag queens or goths - you have probably
heard of facebook's "real name" policy and the problems it has caused
to many individuals over the years.
Most recently many drag queens in the USA
had their accounts suspended due to this policy which is part of facebook's
campaign apparently aimed at ensuring
that people cannot hide under false names so as to curb bullying, online crime
and terrorism! The company also maintains that this also helps them farm out
our personal details to third parties to ensure targeted ads so that the
revenue from these can fund facebook and all the server space and
infrastructure required to support our ever increasing waist size of family
holiday photos.
All fair an good you may think as we all like our free
social networking, and up until here I couldn't agree more. Recent events
however have made me rethink my view on how much power we have handed over to
our social networks which after all are corporations just like Coca-Cola,
Nestle', Bayer and Monsanto and which have clearly proven to have the same
disregard for individuals as their multinational cousins.
I have been using a pen name since the very beginning of my
online life many many years ago back in the 90s and in fact the very same pen
name. RaDaemon.
If you google the name the first thing that pops up is my deviantART profile.
If you google the name the first thing that pops up is my deviantART profile.
I use the same name as e-mail, twitter, google+ and
instagram. I used to use it on myspace before everyone migrated. Recently Star
Wars episode VII got a pilot called Poe Daremon! I am not saying they copied me
but it sounds cool doesn't it!
It even got to the point where many of the friends I have
made online over the past 25 years like to call me Ray - hi Lauren! - and
generally all of my friends and family know who that name belongs to. THAT is
the way to find me if you lose me online!
BUT alas, I have not had it changed legally and this is where the problems start - in regards to facebook at least!
BUT alas, I have not had it changed legally and this is where the problems start - in regards to facebook at least!
A few weeks ago I attempted to
check my facebook from my phone to see what was happening in the world and
source something to do that evening - dinner with friends, a glass of wine at
the pub or movies at home with the cats - strangely I was taken to a screen
that said I had temporarily been logged out of facebook and suggesting I try
and log in via desktop or laptop.
When I attempted to log in from
my laptop I received a message saying I was suspected of using an alias - yay
way to go there facebook hounds, you caught me!
I was asked to update to my real
name - pronto!
I attempted to comply, I thought
wtf, resistance is futile and I want to stay in touch with my friends.
Unfortunately my real name apparently does not meet community guidelines there
fore I was then herded to the screen you can see below!!!
I was asked to upload a valid
photo ID - including ID card, passport, valid driving license OR credit card!!
When did a credit card become a valid ID document???
That was it! No contact button.
No way to appeal and no way to access either my account or my freelance artist
I was cut out. Blocked.
I am not sure what annoyed me
most, the way I was asked to provide proof like a criminal or the fact I had no
way to decline.
I never liked playground bullies
and this is exactly how facebook behaved.
The assumption was you either
comply or bie bie. And mind you I would not have had any issue with the bie bie
option had I been allowed to access my account to delete my uploads and inform
my friends that I would be leaving facebook. Instead what happened is I was
completely cut off anyone whose phone number or e-mail I didn't have -
including many clients who had contacted me via facebook to purchase
illustrations or casts.
Friends started calling, texting
and e-mailing to find out if everything was ok. A few were rather distressed as
I am generally an active poster and my complete disappearance had worried them that something may be wrong.
But it didn't end there. All the
websites I had logged into using the extremely convenient "Log In with
Facebook" button e.g. Spotify, were locked and all my details irrevocably
lost to me unless I agreed to provide facebook with my passport.
To add insult to injury within
the first three days of not complying to the request I received more than nine
e-mails from dear ole facebook telling me how many status updates from my
friends I had missed and how many unread messages I had received. When these
stopped I kept receiving extremely annoying "do you know these
people" e-mails from facebook with lists of people I had never even heard
Talk about dangling the carrot,
or... showing a junky his next fix eh
I guess that's how much you want our personal details.
I guess that's how much you want our personal details.
The reasons why I chose an alter ego are irrelevant here,
but the reasons why I use it are multiple.
I come from an emotionally abusive household and first and
foremost I want to ensure that certain people from certain parts of my family
are unable to see what I do with my life.
I could use my real name and set the settings to private but
whilst I value my privacy, I am at the same time a freelance artist that
requires visibility - in the words of Lexa Rosean "yes, I contain multitudes".
I was never an adherent to the "if you have nothing to
hide you have nothing to fear" philosophy. In my opinion if you have nothing
to hide you are a rather boring individual or, as Sean Connery so eloquently
put it in The First Great Train Robbery, "No respectable gentleman
is THAT respectable!"
I don't want my full time job to intermingle with my
freelance - and I know for a fact that my boss appreciates that our clients are
unable to find and see what I do in my free time. Not because I am involved in
anything illegal but because when you work for a multinational company at a
client facing level you don't want people to see nekkid pictures of you - and
NO I don't think there's anything wrong with nekkid! 18th century morals don't
apply here, it's just unprofessional in certain circles but as I said I contain
multitudes and I want all the circles.
Many of my friends are music promoters, burlesque artists,
authors and drag queens and most of these people have had their profiles
suspended or received warnings.
Unfortunately facebook has become a leviathan with the vast
majority of users on there. G+, ello and co. just don't hold up at the moment
against the networking prowess of facebook and they know it.
Up until now I had no issues with facebook but after this,
and seeing how they are trying to make money out of the very individuals that
made them as big as they are - see paying to promote posts for artists pages,
reduced visibility etc- I get angry.
In Greece
we say "you don't sh*t where you eat!" and facebook you just shat on
us big time.
I will be back on facebook because I need my networking as
an artist, because I do enjoy chatting with my friends, because it's easy to
organise and check out wher eto go and with who but I also don't forget that
the system can only be changed from within.
Sharing this story is the first step. Signing the petitions
to allow artists to create profiles in their own chosen names - as opposed to
sponsored/paid for pages that require extra remuneration to boost posts- is the
Using separate logins for the various websites regardless of
how convenient suing fb for everything is will be the third and so on.
In this day and age freedom is a dying commodity as the
Occupy movement across the globe has proven many a time. In the end I had to
roll over, play dead and obey like a
good doggie.
I ended up showing my "PAPIEREN!!!!" to the
besandaled boy mark Zuckerberg and his gang of bullies in order to be allowed
back in the playground.
I should be careful what I say lest the facebook enforcers wash my mouth with
soap, after all certain innuendos just
like nipples - tres offensive- are verbotten on facebook unlike promoting
animal cruelty or white supremacist posts because according to the global way
everyone has a right to express themselves but not to use a pseudonym...
Let's not forget
Pol RaDaemon
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